Global Peatland Restoration Manual
The IMCG is a partner in the UNEP-GEF project Integrated management of peatlands for biodiversity and climate change . The project asked IMCG to assist in delivering one of its key products: a global handbook on peatland restoration.
As you will understand, a handbook that is relevant for all aspects of peatland restoration for all regions of the world is complicated to conceive. Therefore it took much effort to think of an approach that may provide the required conceptual and technical information without ending up in a confusing tangle of facts and methods. Here you find the second version. It is far from complete and we keep on working on it. But we would like to receive your critical comments, additions, and ideas.
Please send your comments on the second version to Martin Schumann: martin(dot)schumann(at)uni-greifswald(dot)de or Hans Joosten: joosten(at)uni-greifswald(dot)de